Best Floor Paint for Wood: And How To Paint a Wooden Floor

best floor paint for wood

If you’re looking to paint your wooden floor, you may be wondering which type of paint that’s the best floor paint for wood.

No other surface in the house gets as much wear and tear as the floor, so it’s important that you choose a paint that can withstand all the foot traffic.

What type of paint is best for wooden floors?

The best type of paint for a wooden floor is a water-based polyurethane-reinforced alkyd paint. The combination of these 2 resins provides a very hard, wear-resistant and durable finish. It has excellent chemical and water-resistant properties.

Since it’s water-based, it’s also easier to apply and clean up than oil-based paint. Plus, it’s usually odorless and won’t yellow over time as an oil-based paint can.

Because of these features and that it dries fast is the reason why it’s the best floor paint for wood. It’s also great for your wooden stairs.

A cheaper alternative is an acrylic paint. However, it’s not as durable as polyurethane-reinforced alkyd paint.

painted stairs
I used this type of paint on my stairs.
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Also works great on furniture that’s exposed to a lot of wear and tear. Painted my kitchen table with the same paint.

How long do painted wood floors last?

A painted wood floor will last about 5-10 years depending on the amount and type of traffic it gets.

If the floor is exposed to shoes, office/gaming chairs, pets, and heavy traffic, it won’t last as long.

When you start to see the paint wearing away, it’s time to give it a new coat.

How do you paint a wood floor?

Painting a floor is probably the easiest and quickest paint job you will ever do. You don’t need any special skills or experience and the results can be very striking.

To paint a floor then just follow these 6 steps:

  1. Get the paint and tools needed
  2. Clear the floor
  3. Clean the floor
  4. Sand if needed
  5. Apply a primer
  6. Paint the floor

1. Get the paint and tools needed

To calculate how much paint you need, firstly measure the length and width of the room. Then multiply these together to give you the square footage of the room.

You’ll need at least two coats of paint so make sure you buy twice as much as you think you need; primer usually only needs one coat.

If the floor has been sanded down to the bare wood then you’ll need 2 coats of primer.

1 gallon of paint usually covers around 350-400 square feet (9 m²/Litre).

Tools & materials needed

The tools and materials you’ll need to paint a floor are:

  • A paint brush
  • A 9″ paint roller (or wider)
  • A 1/4″ or 3/8″ roller cover
  • 150 grit Sandpaper
  • Extension pole
  • Pole sander
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Paint
  • Primer
  • A cleaning product such as Dirtex
  • Microfiber cloth

When you have gathered all the materials needed, you’re ready for the next step.

2. Clear the floor

When painting a room, it’s important to clear the whole floor before beginning. This will ensure that you can paint the entire surface of the floor and avoid missed spots.

To do this, simply move all of the furniture out of the way and watch out for any nails or staples that may be sticking up.

Once everything is out of the way, you’re ready for the next step: cleaning the floor.

3. Clean the floor

If the whole floor isn’t going to be sanded down to bare wood, then you’ll need to clean it before painting.

The best way to do this is by using a cleaning product such as Dirtex.

This will remove any dirt, grease or grime that may be on the floor’s surface and you don’t need to rinse it off afterward.

If you are planning on sanding the whole floor, then you can skip this step (if it isn’t extremely oily and greasy that is).

4. Sand if needed

If the floor is in relatively good condition then a slight sanding may be all that’s needed before painting. This will help the primer to adhere better.

You can do this by hand with some 150-grit sandpaper by using a pole sander on an extension pole. Just make sure to go with the grain of the wood and that the floor is completely dry before you start.

If the floor is in bad condition with peeling paint and damage such as deep scratches, then you’ll need to completely sand it down to the bare wood. This will take some time and effort but will be worth it in the end.

This needs some heavy equipment such as a drum sander so it may be best to hire a professional for this step. They will have all the tools and expertise needed to get the job done quickly and correctly.

drum sanding floor
You could always hire a professional to sand the floor for you.

Once the floor is sanded, vacuum up all of the dust and use the microfiber cloth to remove any dust that is left before moving on to priming the floor.

5. Apply a primer

If the floor wasn’t sanded down to the bare wood, then one coat of primer will be enough. Otherwise, apply two coats of a high-quality water-based stain-blocking primer.

Start by painting the room’s edges with the paintbrush and then use the paint roller for the larger areas. Make sure to end at a door so you don’t paint yourself into a corner, this might seem obvious but I have actually seen people do just that!

Wait for at least 12 hours before applying the second coat if that’s needed. If the surface feels rough then sand it lightly.

Read the primer’s label for specific instructions as different primers may have different drying times. When the primer is dry, you’re ready for the final step: painting the floor.

6. Paint the floor

Wash the paintbrush and paint roller in water and shake the water out.

Use the same technique as you did with the primer and start by painting the edges with a brush. Follow that up by using the paint roller for larger areas.

After 4 hours you can apply the second coat. Check the label for drying times as this may vary slightly depending on the paint brand used.

Apply a third coat to prolong the paint job’s lifespan even more.

How long before you can walk on a painted floor?

Depending on the brand of paint and the specific product, it can take anywhere from 4 to 24 hours for a floor to be completely dry. Again, read the label for specific instructions.

Try to keep foot traffic to a minimum the first days as walking on the floor can cause indentations or footprints.

Avoid sliding furniture and heavy loads for the first two weeks after application.

After 3–4 weeks the paint has fully cured and can be used as normal.

Final Thoughts for best floor paint for wood

That’s it! You’ve now learned how to paint a wooden floor. Just remember to take your time, use high-quality materials and follow all of the steps correctly and you’ll be sure to achieve great results that will last for many years to come.

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