How to paint a wooden table: 3 methods for a perfect finish

How to paint a wooden table

Furniture, especially tables, will see a lot of wear and tear. Whether it’s from kids or pets, spills or just general use, tables can take a beating.

By painting it yourself you can save money and customize the look to perfectly match your home. There are many ways to paint furniture and in this article, we’ll discuss a few different methods of how you can paint a wooden table, but these methods also apply to furniture in general.

By the end of this article, you’ll be able to choose the best way to paint your wooden table or furniture for a perfect finish.

3 different ways to paint a wooden table

The best finish is achieved by spraying your table or furniture. But that is not always an option, then a roller and a paintbrush might be a better choice.

Roller and paintbrush

This traditional way of painting furniture involves using a roller and a paintbrush. The roller is used to apply the paint to the larger surfaces, such as the tabletop, and the paintbrush is then used to get into all of the nooks and crannies, such as around the legs of the table.

This can be a time-consuming process, but it will give you a good finish. Make sure that you use a high-quality paintbrush and the right type of roller cover for this method, as it will make a big difference in the finished product.

rolled tabletop
A rolled surface won’t give as nice a finish as when spray painting. But it’s easy and cheap.

Spray painting

If you have a piece of furniture that is large or has lots of intricate details, spraying it with a paint sprayer might be your best option. This method allows you to cover a lot of surface area quickly and evenly, without having to worry about getting into all of the nooks and crannies.

The downside to spraying your furniture is that it can be messy if not done right, and there is a greater chance of getting paint on your surroundings because of overspray.

Spray cans

For smaller furniture or picture frames etcetera, using spray paint in a can might be the best option. It’s quick and easy to use and gives a perfect finish, but you’ll have to take VOCs into account.

Painted frame with a spray can.
Spray painting is good for intricate details. We painted this frame with a spray can which gives it a factory finish.

What you’ll need

Before you start make sure you have the following materials:

In general

  • High-quality paint
  • Stir stick
  • Drop cloths, flooring paper, or old newspapers
  • Sandpaper (150 grit before priming, 220 before top-coat)
  • Primer (if needed)
  • Tack cloth/Rug
  • Orbital Sander (optional, preferably a random orbital sander)
  • Detergent

When rolling your table

A 2″ high-quality synthetic paintbrush is a good choice for most painting projects.

Use a 4″ foam roller cover or a shed-resistant synthetic roller cover with a 5/16″ nap for a stipple-free finish.

When spray painting with a paint sprayer

  • Paint sprayer
  • Cord extension (if needed)
  • Dust mask

When spray painting with cans

  • Dust mask (water-based paint)
  • Respirator (solvent-based paint)
  • Gloves (optional)

When painting with water-based paint then you’ll only need a dust mask. But when you’re painting with spray paint with solvent-based paint, you’ll need to use a respirator with the appropriate filters.

The fumes aren’t healthy and might give you a headache and nausea. If possible paint your table or furniture outdoors then you usually don’t need a dust mask or respirator.

You might also want to wear gloves when painting with spray paint, as it can be difficult to clean off your hands afterward.

What type of paint should you use for furniture painting?

A table is exposed to a lot of wear and tear, so it’s important to use a high-quality paint that is durable and that will last.

You have a few different options when it comes to choosing the right type of paint for your project.

Water-based paint is usually the best choice for furniture, as it is less likely to yellow over time. It dries fast and is easier to clean up since it only needs soap and water.

The recommended type of water-based paint is a polyurethane-enhanced acrylic enamel paint. This type of paint is also great for your kitchen cabinets which is exposed to a lot of wear and tear, grease and such.

This type of paint is very durable but have in mind that although it dries in a couple of hours it takes 3-4 weeks before the paint has cured properly, so take it easy on the table during that time.

Oil-based enamel paint is another option, but it can be a hassle to work with and doesn’t clean up as easily. It’s also more likely to yellow over time and you will have the VOC fumes from the paint thinner to take into consideration.

Oil-based paint is very durable and if you decide to paint with this type of paint then do it outdoors if possible or in a room that isn’t going to be used for a day or two.

How to prepare the surface of your wooden table for painting

Before you can start painting your wooden table, you need to prepare the surface.

First, clean it with a detergent such as Dirtex or similar. This will remove any grease or dirt that has built up on the surface.

Protect your floor by covering it with a drop cloth, flooring paper, or old newspapers.

Then, sand the surface with a fine-grit sandpaper (150-220). This will ensure that the primer and paint will adhere well to the surface.

You can either do it by hand or with an orbital sander. If your using an orbital sander then be careful so you don’t sand too much of the paint off of the table and if it’s not a random orbital sander beware of the swirl marks it can leave.

If it’s an untreated or varnished table then you can sand it down to the wood if you want to.

If the table is in good condition and you just want to change the color then you just need to sand it lightly.

Finally, wipe down the surface with a tack cloth or a damp rug/cloth to remove any sanding dust.


Once the table is clean and dry, it’s time to apply a coat of primer. This will help the paint to adhere better and provide a more uniform finish.

When the primer has dried fill in any cracks or holes with wood filler, such as Bondo or Timbermate, and sand them down until they’re flush with the surface. Prime the filler as well.

If the table is in good condition and you’re just changing the color or freshening it up then you can usually skip the primer.

How to paint your table with a roller and paintbrush

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A foam roller gives a better finish than a roller with a nap.

Start by brushing the legs of the table. Put something under the legs of the table so the paint doesn’t “glue” your table legs to the floor protection.

Apply the paint on the leg fluently and then use long light brush strokes to avoid “brush marks”. If the legs have flat surfaces you can use the roller to even out the paint which will give a nice finish and brush marks won’t be a problem.

To paint the tabletop, start by rolling the edges. Then, when painting the tabletop, apply the paint in 2-3 sections. When all sections are rolled then roll the entire tabletop in one direction.

Check the legs of the table for drips and even them out with a brush or the roller if necessary.

When the paint has dried (check the can for the time) then apply a second coat if necessary. Usually, the best finish is achieved by applying 2 coats and it also extends the durability of the paint job.

How to paint your table with a paint sprayer

Spray painting is the quickest and easiest way to paint a table. It’s also the best choice if you want to achieve a uniform and stipple-free finish without any brush marks.

If you’re using an HVLP paint sprayer then thin the paint about 10-20% with water if you’re using latex paint.

Test spray on a piece of cardboard, flooring paper or newspaper to get the feel for the sprayer and to ensure that you’re getting an even and sputter-free coat.

Start by spraying the legs of the table. Don’t hold the paint sprayer too close since you want to avoid drips.

To paint the tabletop, start by spraying the edges. Then, when spraying the tabletop, apply the paint in one whole motion from one end to the other and then spray in the other direction to get an even finish.

Apply 2-3 coats for the best finish and durability.

Let the paint dry completely between coats (check the can for the time).

When you’re finished painting, clean the paint sprayer with water. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning.

If you decide to paint with an oil-based paint then be sure to wear a respirator. Use mineral spirits to clean the paint sprayer but don’t pour it in the drain.

How to paint your table with spray cans

This method is best used for smaller tables or furniture since it can be difficult to get an even finish with larger surfaces.

Use the same method as when painting with a paint sprayer but start with the tabletop. When the paint in the can is getting low it will start to sputter which can create an uneven finish.

If the weather allows then paint your table outside to avoid the fumes. If that’s not possible make sure it’s ventilated by opening windows and wearing a respirator.

Let the paint dry completely between coats (check the can for the time).


Paint can transform any furniture piece and give it new life. It’s a relatively easy project that doesn’t require any special skills.

Whichever method you decide to use it will give your table a nice professional-looking finish.

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