Can You Use A Paint Sprayer For Furniture?

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Have you ever thought of giving your furniture a fresh, new look? Painting it can be time-consuming and tedious with a brush or roller. But have you considered using a paint sprayer for the job?

A paint sprayer is an efficient tool that can help you give your furniture a stunning makeover in no time! Painting furniture with a paint sprayer has many advantages over traditional painting methods.

It’s faster and produces flawless results every time. Plus, it allows you to apply multiple coats of paint quickly and evenly – something that would take much longer when done by hand.

So if you’re looking for ways to spruce up your home without spending too much money, then investing in a paint sprayer could be just what you need!

In this article, we’ll discuss how to use a paint sprayer for furniture, as well as its pros and cons so that you can decide whether it’s right for your project.

Why Spray Paint Your Furniture?

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Instead of buying new or throwing away your furniture, spray painting your pieces, is a great way to give them a new life. Not only is it more cost-effective, but it also gives you the chance to customize and personalize your furniture in ways that would otherwise be impossible.

By spray painting it, you can choose any colors and finishes that you want to create the exact look that you’re going for.

Spray painting also gives you a perfect even finish, with no brush strokes or roller marks.

How To Choose The Best Paint Sprayer For Furniture

Choosing the best paint sprayer for furniture can seem overwhelming with so many options available in the market. Here are some factors to consider that can help you choose the right paint sprayer for your furniture painting project:

Type of Paint Sprayer: There are two main types of paint sprayers – airless and HVLP (high-volume, low-pressure). Airless sprayers are more suitable for larger furniture pieces and thicker paints while HVLP sprayers are more suitable for smaller pieces and thinner paints.

Adjustable Settings: Look for a paint sprayer that has adjustable settings for air pressure, spray pattern, and flow rate, which will help you achieve the desired finish and reduce overspray.

Budget: Take into account your budget when choosing the right paint sprayer. Generally, higher-end models provide better performance but come with a higher price tag. Research and read reviews before settling on a final decision.

Overall, choose a paint sprayer that is suitable for your furniture painting project and within your budget. Research and read reviews before making a final decision, and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe and proper use.

Check out my article The 3 Best Paint Sprayers For Your DIY Project for more info.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Spray Painting Furniture?

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Spray painting furniture has its pros and cons, and here are some of them:


  1. Faster Application: Spray painting furniture is much faster than painting with a brush or roller. It can cover large surfaces in a fraction of the time it takes to hand paint.
  2. Smooth and Even Finish: A paint sprayer can produce a smooth, even finish with minimal brush strokes or roller marks. It can also be easier to get into small crevices and details of the furniture.
  3. Uniform Coverage: The atomized spray of paint from a paint sprayer ensures uniform coverage on the furniture, without leaving any gaps or uneven areas.
  4. Professional Look: The smooth and even finish that spray painting provides can give furniture a professional, factory-finished look.


  1. Overspray: Spray painting furniture can create overspray that can settle on nearby surfaces or in the air. This can be a nuisance and requires proper ventilation and masking of surrounding areas.
  2. Difficult to Control: Spray painting requires some skill and technique to control the spray and prevent drips or runs. If not done properly, it can result in an uneven or blotchy finish.
  3. Expensive Equipment: Good quality paint sprayers can be expensive to purchase or rent. Additionally, they require regular cleaning and maintenance, which can add to the overall cost.
  4. Health Hazards: Spray painting furniture can release fumes that can be harmful to breathe. Proper ventilation and personal protective equipment, such as a mask or respirator, are necessary to protect against these hazards.
  5. Masking: You will have to have to cover and mask off more areas you don’t want paint on compared to using a brush or roller.

Overall, spray painting furniture is a great option for achieving a smooth and professional finish fast. However, it requires careful preparation and safety precautions to avoid overspray and ensure proper application.

Should I Prime My Furniture Before Spray Painting?

It is generally recommended to prime furniture before spray painting, although it depends on the condition of the furniture and the type of paint you are using. Here are some reasons why priming can be beneficial:

  1. Better Adhesion: Primer helps the paint adhere better to the surface of the furniture, ensuring that it stays in place and doesn’t chip or peel.
  2. Smoother Finish: Primer can help fill in any imperfections or rough spots on the furniture, resulting in a smoother and more even finish.
  3. Improved Coverage: Primer can help the paint cover the furniture more uniformly, with fewer coats needed.
  4. Stain Blocking: If the furniture has any stains or discolorations, a stain-blocking primer will help block them from bleeding through the paint.
  5. Longer Lasting: Primer can help prolong the life of the paint job by providing a better base for the paint to adhere to.

However, if the furniture is in good condition, with no major imperfections or stains, and you are using a high-quality paint designed for the material, you may be able to skip the primer step.

I usually prime surfaces that’s been painted with an oil-based paint with a glossy finish. I also prime factory-painted surfaces to ensure that the paint will adhere properly when I’m repainting it.

You will always have to clean and sand with a fine-grit sandpaper though. If you paint a piece of furniture without sanding or priming, it won’t last as long. The paint won’t adhere as well and it can chip or peel off easier.

Is It Better To Spray Or Brush Paint Furniture?


Deciding whether to spray or brush paint furniture depends on factors such as the type of furniture and personal preference.

Spray painting offers faster application and a smoother, more professional finish, but can be difficult to control and requires expensive equipment, while brush painting provides more control and is more affordable, but can be slower and leave visible brush strokes.

For example, wicker furniture isn’t practical to paint with a brush and roller, so spray painting is the best option.

How Do You Paint Furniture With A Paint Sprayer?

spray painting furniture with pneumatic sprayer

Gather all the appropriate materials for using a paint sprayer, such as masking tape, drop cloths, sandpaper and paint.

Additionally, you should consider what type of spray gun will work best for your particular painting job: either an airless or HVLP.

Once these supplies have been gathered and the proper equipment has been chosen, begin by preparing the surface of the furniture piece.

This includes cleaning and sanding any areas that need smoothing out. Then apply a coat of primer over the entire piece, if needed, before moving on.

Then apply 2-3 coats of the top coat. Let the paint dry according to the instructions on the can before applying an additional coat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions related to painting furniture with a paint sprayer.

Do I need to thin the paint before using a paint sprayer?

With an HVLP paint sprayer, you usually have to thin the paint by about 10-20% with water or mineral spirits (depending on the type of paint) before spraying.

Airless paint sprayers don’t use air to atomize the paint and usually don’t require thinning.

However, it is best to check the manufacturer’s instructions for your particular brand and type of paint sprayer to be sure.

How do I clean the paint sprayer after use?

The cleaning process depends on the type of paint sprayer and the manufacturer’s instructions.

Generally, paint sprayers need to be disassembled and cleaned with water and then spray with clean water until it’s clear.

If your airless paint sprayer isn’t going to be used for a while you should use a pump preserver.

Can I use a paint sprayer indoors?

Yes, but it’s important to ensure proper ventilation and wear personal protective equipment, such as a mask or respirator, to protect against fumes.

Also, mask off surfaces that are close to the furniture being painted, and use drop cloths or plastic sheeting to protect floors from paint and over-spray.

Additionally, it’s best to practice spraying on cardboard or newspaper first before using the paint sprayer on furniture. This will help you get used to the equipment and ensure that your technique is correct.


Spray painting furniture is a great way to give an old piece of furniture a new look. Whether you’re working on a dresser, armoire or end table, you can turn any piece of furniture into something beautiful with just some quick coats of paint. I’m always amazed at how quickly it transforms in front of my eyes when using a paint sprayer!

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